CS318 - Pintos
Pintos source browser for JHU CS318 course
Go to the documentation of this file.
7 void *
memcpy (
void *,
const void *,
8 void *
memmove (
void *,
const void *,
9 char *
strncat (
char *,
const char *,
10 int memcmp (
const void *,
const void *,
11 int strcmp (
const char *,
const char *);
12 void *
memchr (
const void *,
13 char *
strchr (
const char *,
14 size_t strcspn (
const char *,
const char *);
15 char *
strpbrk (
const char *,
const char *);
16 char *
strrchr (
const char *,
17 size_t strspn (
const char *,
const char *);
18 char *
strstr (
const char *,
const char *);
19 void *
memset (
void *,
20 size_t strlen (
const char *);
23 size_t strlcpy (
char *,
const char *,
24 size_t strlcat (
char *,
const char *,
25 char *
strtok_r (
char *,
const char *,
char **);
26 size_t strnlen (
const char *,
29 #define strcpy dont_use_strcpy_use_strlcpy
30 #define strncpy dont_use_strncpy_use_strlcpy
31 #define strcat dont_use_strcat_use_strlcat
32 #define strncat dont_use_strncat_use_strlcat
33 #define strtok dont_use_strtok_use_strtok_r
int memcmp(const void *, const void *, size_t)
Find the first differing byte in the two blocks of SIZE bytes at A and B.
char * strtok_r(char *, const char *, char **)
Breaks a string into tokens separated by DELIMITERS.
size_t strlen(const char *)
Returns the length of STRING.
void * memcpy(void *, const void *, size_t)
size_t strlcat(char *, const char *, size_t)
Concatenates string SRC to DST.
char * strchr(const char *, int)
Finds and returns the first occurrence of C in STRING, or a null pointer if C does not appear in STRI...
size_t strnlen(const char *, size_t)
If STRING is less than MAXLEN characters in length, returns its actual length.
char * strstr(const char *, const char *)
Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of NEEDLE within HAYSTACK.
void * memchr(const void *, int, size_t)
Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of CH in the first SIZE bytes starting at BLOCK.
int strcmp(const char *, const char *)
Finds the first differing characters in strings A and B.
char * strpbrk(const char *, const char *)
Returns a pointer to the first character in STRING that is also in STOP.
size_t strlcpy(char *, const char *, size_t)
size_t strcspn(const char *, const char *)
Returns the length of the initial substring of STRING that consists of characters that are not in STO...
char * strrchr(const char *, int)
Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of C in STRING.
void * memmove(void *, const void *, size_t)
Copies SIZE bytes from SRC to DST, which are allowed to overlap.
size_t strspn(const char *, const char *)
Returns the length of the initial substring of STRING that consists of characters in SKIP.
void * memset(void *, int, size_t)
Sets the SIZE bytes in DST to VALUE.